How to clean your mattress – everything you need to know

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You may be surprised at just how dirty your beds and mattresses get underneath your bed sheets and, as a result, may not clean them as you should. Here Natalie Armstrong, sleep expert at Sealy UK gives advice on what you should do to help keep your mattress free of stains and mites.

How often should you clean your mattress? 

There’s no hard and fast rule on how frequently you should clean your mattress, but as a general rule of thumb you should clean some mattresses every six months to prevent dust mites, dead skin and dirt accumulating. However, how often you clean your mattress will ultimately boil down to a range of factors such as the age of the mattress, the properties included in the model, and the person sleeping on the mattress. For example, if you are an allergy sufferer you should look to clean your mattress more frequently, especially during flare-ups.
How to clean your mattress
There are various methods to clean a mattress. Firstly, you should use a vacuum cleaner on both sides of the mattress to remove dirt, hair and crumbs from the mattress. There’s also an old wives’ tale that suggests that sprinkling baking soda onto the mattress, leaving it to air for a few hours, and then vacuuming it off, can help to air it out.
However, it’s worth noting that not all mattresses are suitable for this home remedy. Many modern mattresses, such as those that feature Purotex, naturally create a clean and healthy sleeping environment by releasingfriendly bacteria into the mattress, meaningClean your mattress one less cleaning job on your to do list!
How to keep your mattress clean
There are various things you can do to help keep your mattress nice and clean. A good starting point would be to banish pets from your bedroom - your dog or cat might make a great sleeping partner, but their fur can be a magnet for pollen, dust and other allergens.
Another way you can help to keep your mattress clean is purchasing a top-quality mattress protector. Having a protective layer helps to keep your mattress hygienic and stain free, as our bodies can lose up to 500mlof water each night whilstwe sleep. Mattress protectors can provide an extra layer to shield your mattress from bed bugs and dust mites.
Finally, while you might have been told that making your bed every morning is the key to a successful day, this could actually do more harm than good. Dust mites love warm, moist environments, meaning when you make your bed in the morning you’re actually creating the perfect environment for them to thrive. Throw back the covers and remove the pillows from your bed for at least 20 minutes every morning, to allow moisture to evaporate and get the air circulating, which will help to prevent dust mites.
When should you have your mattress professionally cleaned?
Some situations are beyond the skills of a DIY clean. For example, if you’re struggling with bed bugs, calling in some professional help can to nip these in the bud early and stop them from returning.
Additionally, if you have some stubborn stains that you’re struggling to get out, having your mattress steam cleaned can help to get it sparkling clean again.
Is it time to replace your mattress?
Cleaning your mattress regularly will help to increase the lifespan of your bed, however it’s worth remembering that mattresses don’t last forever. We’d recommend replacing your mattress every 8 years to help maintain a supportive and hygienic sleep environment.
