7 ways infection control increases during winter within the home

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There are many illnesses already doing the rounds, and as we edge ever closer to winter where the number of coughs, sniffles and infection control increase dramatically, Britons homes could well be exacerbating the problem. The experts at www.Hillarys.co.uk have listed some of the ways your home could be making you ill and tips on how to prevent this…


Door handles hold germs

People instinctively put their hands to their faces when they cough and sneeze, but if they don’t go on to wash their hands, the germs lingering are then transferred to door handles, car door infection control within the homehandles, banisters and more. All the things you touch with your bare hands have likely also been touched by those who have sneezed all over their hands. Use an all-in-one disinfectant spray on all surfaces you might touch at least once a week to ensure infection control and that you’re preventing the spreading of germs and minimise your chances of falling ill. 


Choose essential oils over artificial scents

Many homes have air fresheners, oil diffusers and scented candles dotted around that help to provide a nice aroma within the home, however some contain chemicals that can knock your body’s hormones out of balance. Phthalates is just one chemical that can act as a synthetic hormone, affecting your health. Essential oils are natural and safe to use, but likewise you can use items such as fresh flowers and home baked goods to help with the aroma in your home.


Incorrect ventilation leads to mold

Rooms that don’t have ventilation, the correct ventilation or are particularly moist are likely to see mold on the walls and behind furniture. While it doesn’t look appealing, it’s also bad for your health, especially those who suffer with asthma or allergies. When left to worsen, exposure to mold can lead to eye, skin, nose, throat and lung irritations. Firstly, get a good mold spray and strong bleach to deal with what’s already visible on the wall, and secondly be sure to install ventilation fan or keep the windows open in affected rooms. 


There are no houseplants 

Believe it or not, you’re better off having real plants in the home as opposed to artificial plants or none. While they require a higher level of maintenance than their fake counterparts, houseplants can work wonders at removing various harmful contaminants from the air, including carbon monoxide. They’re also visually stunning, when looked after, and can easily become a feature or talking point in any home.


Gas stoves create carbon monoxide

Speaking of carbon monoxide, if you own a gas stove, levels of the gas could be rising without you knowing, particularly in kitchens that aren’t well ventilated or those that do not have houseplants around to draw it out of the air. Installing a hood vent is ideal for the kitchen, however simply opening the windows can help.​

Washing up sponges absorb and spread bacteria

Think about it; yes, your sponges live in the sink, they’re regularly immersed in warm soapy water and slathered in bubbles from the washing up liquid, but they’re also ran along the kitchen sides to mop up spills, remnants from raw meat and more. The sponges harbour many forms of bacteria, with the germs being spread onto the kitchen counters, plates, dishes, cutlery and other places you eat from. Either replace your washing up sponge on a regular basis or put it in the microwave or dishwasher to blast the bacteria.

Fresh sheets do more than just smell great

Not only does your bed naturally collect dust mites and dead skin cells, but illnesses can seep through your pores into the bed throughout the night. If you’ve got a cold, you’ll be coughing and sneezing all over the pillow and sheets, and even those with food poisoning can be leaving particles of salmonella around the bed. Be sure to wash your bed sheets at least once a week, and more regularly when the person sleeping in the bed is ill.

Washing up sponges absorb and spread bacteria

Think about it; yes, your sponges live in the sink, they’re regularly immersed in warm soapy water and slathered in bubbles from the washing up liquid, but they’re also ran along the kitchen sides to mop up spills, remnants from raw meat and more. The sponges harbour many forms of bacteria, with the germs being spread onto the kitchen counters, plates, dishes, cutlery and other places you eat from. Either replace your washing up sponge on a regular basis or put it in the microwave or dishwasher to blast the bacteria.


Fresh sheets do more than just smell great

Not only does your bed naturally collect dust mites and dead skin cells, but illnesses can seep through your pores into the bed throughout the night. If you’ve got a cold, you’ll be coughing and sneezing all over the pillow and sheets, and even those with food poisoning can be leaving particles of salmonella around the bed. Be sure to wash your bed sheets at least once a week, and more regularly when the person sleeping in the bed is ill.


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