Hoppy’s money saving tips

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We’re all looking for extra ways to save money on our household bills, especially during the winter months when weekends and evenings are spent keeping warm inside. Luckily, saving money on your energy bills can start with simple small changes around the home, we’ve teamed up with home management service Hoppy to find out how easy it is. 

Everyday tasks
Laundry is an inevitable household task that can quickly add up to higher electricity bills, especially for larger families. One very simple step to reduce both your energy usage and costs is to change the way you do this everyday task. Turn the dial down and wash your clothes at 30 degrees instead of 40. This very easy change uses a staggering 40 percent less energy and can save you nearly 50 percent on running costs. Once your washing is ready to dry, turn away from the trusty tumble dryer which costs 30p an hour to use and instead invest in a heated clothes airer that will dry your clothes at a fraction of the cost.

Home interiors
When looking at the changes you can make around your home to save on your household bills, it’s a good idea to think about your home Balancing house for money saving tipsinteriors. For example, lighting can have a vast impact on the look and feel of a room. However, not only can your choice of lighting affect the aesthetic of a room but the bulbs you choose can also have a huge impact on your energy bills too. Simply changing the bulbs in your home to LED bulbs, can save households on average £7 a year per LED lightbulb, on energy usage and the bulbs can last for two whole decades, saving the additional cost of rebuying. In addition to this, if the crisp winter chill in the air inspires you to overhaul your home interiors, it’s worth considering your choice of paint colour. Decorating your home with darker tones such as on trend deep navy will absorb the heat in your home, resulting in a warmer space. Whereas cooler shades like magnolia and pale grey are perfect for creating a cool living space in the summer months.

Heating your home 
During cold winter months, warming our homes is high on our agenda and it can be tempting to whack the dial up to the highest temperatures to escape the winter chill. However, turning the heating down by just one degree on the thermostat can save an average of £75 a year on energy costs. However, the temperature of your home can still be maintained at a high level by ensuring you have thick curtains and fireplace balloons to stop warm air escaping the home and covering any exposed floors with thick, plush rugs and throws. 


Switch and save
Making small changes round the home is a great way to lower the cost of your energy bills. However, it’s also important to ensure you are on the best energy deal available to you with an energy provider compatible to your household’s needs. Research has shown that if you have been with the same provider for several years then it is likely that you are paying more than you should for your energy usage. Hoppy works with trusted and accredited service providers across the industry to compare all publicly available energy tariffs and offer the widest choice of the cheapest deals available to consumers. This service enables users to easily switch providers of the cheapest utility, broadband/tv and mobile deals in the country – and creating savings of up to £458 per year on utilities.


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