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save for a first home with ISAs

3 ways to save for a first home with ISAs (that aren't Help to Buy)

In this article, Nicholas Harding, CEO at peer-to-peer lending platform Lending Works…

Trading 212 savings app

Smarter saving with Trading 212

While financial worries may have many of us losing sleep, it’s never too late to start building a better financial future. Whether you’re saving…

Money pot - saving for house deposit

Here’s how you should be saving for your house deposit

For many people, owning a property is a key milestone in life which seems further away than ever before. One of the obstacles which is presented…

Financially savvy ways to buy a house - house keyring

Financially savvy ways to buy a house 

Buying a house can be a stressful process.

Between saving up for a deposit and securing a mortgage, there are many things…

Saving for a deposit

Top tips for first-time buyers struggling to save a deposit

Saving enough money for a deposit on a house is a huge task, especially with house prices on the rise. Sometimes, a small change can make a big…

First home stacked on pennies

Looking to buy your first home? Get mortgage ready!

Want to buy your first home this year, but don’t know where to start? These insider tips from digital…

Bad credit score

Can I get a mortgage with bad credit?

When buying your perfect home, one of the biggest obstacles in the way can be securing your mortgage. The process can be tough enough as it is but…

A house being hit by storm damage

How to protect your home and garden from storm damage

With storms repeatedly bombarding us already this new year, we wondered what the forthcoming weeks might hold.
Wet, windy and cold…

Advisor talking about execution-only mortgages

Execution-only mortgages: Can we be trusted with our own mortgages?

The FCA is attempting to shift the balance between self-service / execution-only mortgages and broker-advised mortgages. But is this a good idea…

first-time buyers in new home

Navigating the Options for First-Time Buyers

Navigating your way onto the property ladder can seem daunting for first-time buyers. The right income, a good credit score and decent deposit…

Estate agents showing a family around a new home

Estate Agents Reveal The Questions They Dread Most During House Viewings 

New research looking into the questions British estate agents are most wary of being asked by prospective property buyers - as well as some of the…

Couple with mortgage advisor talking about bad credit mortgages

How to Get a Mortgage, Even with Bad Credit

It’s hard to get a home these days; over 30%…

Young woman looking at declined mortgage application

Why has my mortgage application been declined?

When you apply for a mortgage, you always run the risk of being declined. If you’ve recently been declined and aren’t sure why, below is a list of…

Nigel from FirstPort on service charges

Service charges explained

Service charges can come as a shock but if you know your stuff you'll avoid additional stress, says Nigel Howell, Chief Executive of…

Children moving home

Majority of parents worry if children will adapt when moving home

The majority of parents said they were worried about how their child would adapt when moving home; with one in five parents saying they felt…

loft bedroom

How to ensure your new home has enough space

There is so much excitement and anticipation in the air surrounding the prospect of first-time buying, and moving into your new home, that…

a pair of young people applying for a mortgage

How to get a mortgage while in student loan debt

Most mortgage lenders will ask about your student loan status, although a debt won’t automatically lead to a black mark against your application.…

Couple moving in to their new home - Why Buy There Unless You Want To Live There?

Why Buy There Unless You Want To Live There?

The three most important things to look for when buying a home are said to be location, location, location. The reasons why you want to live in a…